Software: Photoshop, Illustrator, Blender
In creating the Nike poster, I wanted to celebrate diversity, particularly in terms of cultural representation. I specifically targeted the audience in Kazakhstan and took the time to incorporate elements unique to the country. By including Kazakh ornaments and highlighting the distinctive features of the local climate, such as the winters at -30 degrees Celsius, I aimed to embrace and showcase the cultural diversity of Kazakhstan.

I used Blender to create an ice-like Nike logo and shoe. I used the Glass BSDF function in the material shader settings and rendered them. I removed the white background in Photoshop and put together the poster composition. I found the Nike font online and used it to write the text.
To make it unique to Kazakhstan, I implemented Kazakh ornaments into the poster. I first created a vector path illustration of the ornament in Adobe Illustrator and then made it 3D and ice-like in Blender, and then also took it to Photoshop where I fixed the colors and compiled everything. I added shadows and lights where needed to make it look as realistic as possible. I then used Photoshop's Generative AI function for the background.

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